If you had to choose...
What child would win a "Best Reece's Rainbow Photo" award?
I don't have time right now to look through all the pictures and make my choice...
But Travis would certainly be in the running!
Have you seen him yet?

His face is beaming!!!
Ready for Mama to pick him up!!!
Ready to throw his arms around her in a big bear hug!!!
Travis lives in an orphanage because of his Down syndrome :(
He is not yet 2 1/2 years old.
That's much too young to be without a Mom or Dad!
This sweetie has great potential!
Just look at the great things his profile says about him!
Travis is active and independent child. He walks, knows his name, he plays patty-cake, his active attention is developping well, he is getting interested in toys (he rolls a ball, knocks with toys, etc.), shows his emotions -laughs when adults play with him, eats well from a spoon (not independently yet), drinks from a cup (with adults' help), pronounces many sounds and syllables. They say he has a very good potential for development
Are you ready for a bear hug?

Wouldn't it just make your day to get a hug from darling little Travis?
Wouldn't you just love to see him blossom even more with the love of his very own Mom and Dad?
Could he be your son?
Could you share his story and picture?
This picture is a winner!
If only his Mama can see it...
Surely sweet Travis will capture her heart!
This post is a part of the Forget Me Not Friday Linkup organized by Jane!
Please check it out here! And consider linking up a post of your own!
oh my!!!! what i wouldn't give!xxxxxx