What do you think when you see Alix?

Poor boy...
Hopeless case...
Better off in an institution...
He'll never be able to do anything!
What could he possibly do without hands?
Impossible obstacles...
Better give up and forget about him...
But WAIT!!!
His profile says he is...
A leader in his group!
MOBILE - able to roll around QUICKLY!
Plays well with toys...
Seems to have adapted well to his limitations!
OK, he does have some potential, but his life will be so LIMITED won't it?
He couldn't possibly brush his own teeth, shave, or even get his own glass of water...
Let alone...
Participate in sports, go swimming...
Get a job or get married...
Could he?
Meet Nick!
Who can do these things and more!
Following are a couple of videos showing what nick can do!
Watch one or the other or both!
(Even if you only have time to watch a small part of one video - you will be inspired!)
Nick is a motivational speaker...
He speaks to large audiences around the world...
And he recently got married too!
(You can read an article about that here.)
And here is a link to one of Nick's websites.
So don't give up on Alix !

He has GREAT potential!!!
You never know what great things he will accomplish in life!
You never know how many people he will inspire!
His biggest limitation is NOT his lack of arms and legs...
It is the sad fact that he has no Mom or Dad to love and encourage him...
No opportunity for life outside the institution...
No (or limited) education or therapy available...
Now THAT's a limitation that could be eliminated!
If only he gets adopted...
He will have a Mom and Dad of his own...
To give him love and encouragement...
And the opportunity for education and therapy...
Then he can do whatever he sets his mind to...
Even if he has to do it a different way!
He can inspire the world like Nick does...
And influence this world for the better!
Won't you give him a chance?
You can help Alix by praying for him...

Sharing his story with others...
Donating to his adoption grant fund...
Or maybe you could even be his Mom or Dad!
In closing, I want to share a couple of links about Sasha!
He has a similar condition to Alix and Nick.
He was adopted through Reece's Rainbow - and he's adorable!
Sasha has been home for over a year now...
He has a wonderful Mom and Dad and 2 brothers!
Here is a link with pictures and video of him coloring!
Here is another link showing him enjoying his Christmas present!
Sasha though once an orphan...
Has been blessed with the love and opportunity that life in a family brings...
Pray that Alix can have this opportunity soon!
spent last week with Alix! boy he is amazing!i also have an updated picture to share! so excited about this...this boy can do everything, even watched him change batteries in a toy and drink a full mug of boiling hot tea all by himself! he moves about by himself as fast as any child and is not stopped by anything...he is a superstar! xxxx