The Mulligan Stew Giveaway is almost over...
The last day is March 21...
This great giveaway is raising funds to help families adopt children who are in desperate need...
Who have been deprived of sufficient food...
Deprived of love and stimulation...
Deprived to the point that they are the size of infants or very young children...
Even at age eleven or fourteen!
Below are a few of these needy children we have an opportunity to help!

Liliana - Age 11

Pam - Age 14 or 15

Teagan - Age 5

Keltan - Age 12
Imagine the difference love and nutrition will make for these children!
Families adopting these and other very needy children are featured in the giveaway...
The goal is to raise at least $2000 for each family...
A challenge has been offered!
If the goal is met...
Laurel and Harmony are both 15 years old...
When they turn 16 they will become too old for adoption...
Their chance for a family will be gone!
Harmony is a sweet girl with down syndrome...
You can see her cute picture at the Mulligan Stew!
She needs a family before its too late!
Please share her story!
You can read more about Harmony HERE!
Laurel will be sent to a mental institution because of her physical limitations...
She arthrogryposis, a condition that affects her joints (not her mind!)...
She does NOT belong in a mental institute...
Yet she will be sentenced to an awful place - for LIFE...
She needs to be adopted ASAP...
Please share her story and help find her family!
You can read more about Laurel Here!
To help the families bring home their desperately needy children...
AND to help Laurel and Harmony get the challenge donation...
Click Here
And choose at least one family to donate to!
Every donation (large or small) makes a difference!
Please share the giveaway and Laurel and Harmony on your blogs and facebook!
(You can get generous extra entries by doing so!)
There are MANY prizes...
But the best prize of all is getting these children home safe with their families at last!
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