The clock is ticking...
Time is almost up...
Two precious girls are about to lose their LAST hope for a family!

Laurel has arthrogryposis and is currently in a wheelchair...
But don't let that scare you!
She will make a great daughter...
A great citizen...
If she only gets the chance!
This lovely teen currently lives in a "good" orphanage where the children even get to go on outings...
But when she turns 16 (this AUGUST) her time will be up...
She'll be too old for adoption...
Her fate will be sealed...
She will soon be transferred to a mental institution for adults...
And whatever good things she has enjoyed in her life up to now will be over...
These mental institution are horrible!
The inmates are given insufficient care...
And have nothing to do...
Arthrogryposis is NOT a mental condition!
Laurel has great potential!
She could receive therapy that might even help her walk...
Perhaps she could go to college...
And become a teacher or a doctor...
Who knows what she would like to do...
But I'm sure a mental institution would NOT be her choice...
The sad thing is...
She has NO choice in the matter!
Her fate is sealed...
Unless she is adopted...
It is her ONLY hope!
We just CAN'T let her go to that awful place...
Harmony lives in a country that will not allow public posting of her picture...
But I've seen the picture...
And she is a cute Asian girl!
UPDATE: You can see her picture HERE! - but please don't copy it or post it anywhere!
She is 15 but looks much younger...
She has Down syndrome...
But that doesn't mean she should be hidden away and have no life!
Here is a snippet from her profile:
Currently attends middle school...
"Harmony loves learning and is attentive in class. She completes her homework voluntarily."
I don't know what will happen to her after she ages out...
But I know a family is a MUCH better option!
If there is a chance you could be the family one of these girls is waiting for...
(By the way... Laurel has over $11,000 in grant money to help her family with adoption costs!)
If not...
Please share these girls' stories far and wide to help their families find them...
Before it's forever too late!
And if you feel so led...
You can also make donations to their grant accounts by clicking on their names!
Laurel and Harmony are also included in a the great Mulligan Stew giveaway/fundraiser through March 31...
Click here to find out how you can take part - you may even win something...
There are LOTS of prizes!
But getting the kids home is the best prize of all!
And don't forget to PRAY - God still works miracles!
UPDATE: Laurel is home now!!!
Sadly Harmony is no longer available for adoption because of her age...
Please pray for her!
Thank you friend for yelling endlessly for them... There is soo much need it's hard to know where to put your focus. Thank you for sticking with the children who need you most and not giving up on them. You are an inspiration to me!