You are much beloved...

First abandoned and sentenced to life as an orphan...
About 2 years ago...
You were blessed to be chosen to belong to a very special family!
You would have a Mama at last!
A Papa to protect you...
Siblings to adore you!
You would be smothered with hugs and kisses...
And never be lonely again!
But alas...
You became desperately ill...
Unable to travel...
Expected to die...
Unable to go with that family who loved you :(
Your family was so heart broken!
But they had so much love to share...
They just couldn't walk away and forget!
They had to do something with the love in their hearts!
There were so many children abandoned and lonely...
Who were longing for that wonderful love!
So 2 lovely children were adopted in turn...
And were showered with love overflowing...
Because of their love for you!
But miracle of miracles!
You survived!
And now dear sweet Lyla...
The time is almost here!
But a little while longer while funds and paperwork are gathered...
Then, then you will come HOME at last!
Your family is better than your wildest dreams!
You'll be loved and snuggled...
And cherished for ever, and ever, and ever!
You've come full circle dear little Lyla!
You were found...
Then nearly lost forever...
And now at last you've been found again...
By the family that has loved you since the first time they saw your little face...
In a picture so many months ago!
Dear Lyla,
Hopefully many people will read this little letter...
So I'll hasten to let them know!
Some very loving people have organized a fundraiser especially to pay your ransom!
There are prizes too...
An I-pad, and gift cards...
But the best prize of all is getting you home at last!
They can go right here to do their part and help your dream come true!
Your ransom must be gathered quickly...
You need to go to the doctor as soon as you possibly can...
And of course start making up for all the hugs and kisses...
You've been without so long!

Thank you for helping Lyla's dream come true!
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