Remember Jonathan?

That sweet boy who was within weeks of aging out...
Nearly too old for adoption...
Destined for a life on the streets?
Well, a family stepped forward for Jonathan just in time!
They had already completed 3 adoptions (2 within the last couple of years)...
But when they saw Jonathan and heard his story...
They knew they had to do their best to save him!
They have just recently mailed their dossier!
There is one problem...
They are not YET fully funded...
They need about $13,000 to finish covering the costs associated with the adoption.
They stepped out in faith and mailed the dossier...
Trusting that God would provide...
Can you help?
Can you be the hands of Jesus and offer $5, $10, or more?

Jonathan thanks you...
Your gifts make it possible for him to have love instead of loneliness...
A home instead of nights on the street...
Education and guidance in his transition to adulthood instead of being thrown out on the street (with next to nothing) to make his own way as best he can.
Your gifts and prayers make a difference!
They make a world of difference to Jonathan!
Here is his family's blog!
Leave them a love note and let them know you are praying...
And donate at their chip-in if you are able!
You can also read an inspiring post that Adeye wrote for Jonathan on her blog...
Oh my goodness, I just clicked on the link and saw who his family is! I read their blog in the past, and then it just disappeared...I guess they were up to something!