What a terrible word!

Igor is a lovely young man.
He will be 7 years old in November.
His profile describes him as "very loving and affectionate and friendly!"
Igor was born with Arthrogryposis -- a condition that affects his legs and feet.
This condition has prevented him from learning to walk...
With medical treatment including casts, therapy, and surgery...
Perhaps he could learn to walk.
Sadly, Igor was born in a place where children with disabilities are put in orphanages...
Where they are not able to receive all the therapies they need...
Where they don't have a Mama & Papa to give them love & encouragement no matter what.
Even worse...
When the children get older -- usually 4 or 5 years old ...
They are transferred to mental institutions...
EVEN if their disability is only a PHYSICAL one!
Igor was blessed to stay in his baby house until he was over 6 years old...
But his time ran out!
Now he has been transferred...
Where he will be BEDRIDDEN FOR LIFE!!!!
Can you imagine?
This INTELLIGENT young man...

Sitting or lying in bed...
With nothing to do...
For the rest of is life?
How long can he stand it?
He has so much potential!
He could go to school...
He could play with siblings...
And it's possible he could learn to walk.
He could be a son...
A grandson...
He could do and be so much...
If he just had a chance!
But now he must stay in bed...
For hours and hours...
For days and days...
For years and years...
His only hope?
If a family chose him...
If they decided to adopt him into their own family...
If they made him their son...
He could get out of that bed...
And have the joy and pleasure of the freedom that most of us take for granted.
Is he YOUR son?
Find out how to adopt here.
Could you help his Mama find him?
Share his picture and his story today!
Igor (35)

BOY, Born November 26, 2004
This handsome young man is another of a growing number of children who were born with arthrogryposis.
His hands seem to be unaffected, but he is unable to walk at this time. He is described as very loving and affectionate and friendly!
Igor is facing the institution and will remain bedridden for the rest of his life…he needs a family like you!
Donations will be accepted for this child when further information is received.
Please Pray!
God knows who his Mama is...
And He can help her find him.
Pray she finds him SOON!
Igor is not the only one living in such dismal circumstances...
My precious Victoria and Emmitt...
(Woo Hoo!!! She can have her OWN grant fund now!!!! Can you help to fill it?
Even $1 or $2 helps!!! They all add up!!!)
Have been waiting out their days in an institution...
For a long time...
Please pray for them too!
And, before I close...
I want to add one more lovely young lady to this list!
Meet Yasmine!
This sweet girl has cerebral palsy.
It is difficult for her to walk...
But she is trying hard to get around!
Her profile says she is "a walking sunshine"!
It also says...
"Let's find a family for her FAST!!!
This lovely girl doesn't have much time left before she too...
She now has her own grant fund too...
but it says:
Can you help?
To find out how you can adopt one of these beautiful children...
click Here!!!
You CAN help save a child!
Please check it out here! And consider linking up a post of your own!


Who was just TRANSFERRED...
Appeared on the "MY FAMILY FOUND ME" page this week!
Pray that the adoption process will go quickly
so sweet Alex will not have to be bedridden and lonely for long!
You can help his family by donating to his adoption grant fund here.
Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words about Marissa and for all the glorious work you are doing. You are an angel to these children. Hopefully we can have as much impact on the adoption world as you have. Amazing. Also I thought you'd enjoy knowing we have PTs in the family and two good friends who are PTs here in Idaho. Such wonderful people to know especially when it comes to Marissa's needs.