Darling Silas...

Cute, charming little smile...
Glowing personality...
Sadly this charming little 7 year old boy...
Is not lighting up his family's life with his laughter and smiles :(
He is wasting away in a mental institute because he has cerebral palsy...
These institutions are NOT places for growing, learning, and thriving...
They are a places where children spend hours and hours and hours in bed...
Day after day after day...
Wasting away for lack of sufficient food or stimulation or basic care...
Dear Silas DESPERATELY needs to get out of the institution...
He needs a family to love and cherish him...
To give him the love his heart is starving for...
To give him the opportunity to learn and grow and thrive!
Could you be his Mom or Dad?
Or maybe you could help to share his story or donate to his fund!
Unfortunately there are quite a few expenses involved with international adoption...
The more money that can be raised for Silas' ransom...
The easier it will be for a family to commit to him!
Steph is hosting a great giveaway to raise money for Silas' grant!
(Kindle Fire, i-pods and more...)
The good news...
When the giveaway started...
Silas had $11 in his account...
Now he has $66!
(Thanks so MUCH to whoever has donated!)
The bad news...
Silas account is now...
It has not grown in a number of days :(
Can you help to change that?
Even small donations help!
You can donate to Silas' fund and read more about him Here!
Please go to Steph's blog for details about the fundraiser and giveaway and to let her know you donated or shared the fundraiser on your blog, facbook, etc so you can have your name put in the giveaway!

Copy the code below to grab Silas' fundraiser button for your blog!
<br /> <a border="0" href="http://savemolly.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1115.photobucket.com/albums/k555/horsearoni/Buttons/silasbutton1.png"/></a><br />
The more people hear about it the better!
How many people in this world could spare $10 to help save a child?
Fifty people? One hundred? More?
Imagine what a difference it could make!
If we can just find them!
But they need to hear about him before they can give!
So donate if you are able...
And share, Share, SHARE!!!!
This boy deserves a chance in life...

Don't you think?
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