I've seen this face before...

And even used it in some of my posts that featured multiple children...
The sweet little one with the sad eyes...
Saying, "Will they ever come for me?"
Then recently these sad words from her profile caught my eye...
"Regrettably, this orphanage is one of the poorer ones, with very little outside aid and very little hope. All of the children are tiny and undernourished. These children are immediately transferred at 4, and have little chance of survival where they are sent All of our waiting children need families, but these have a critical need. Please consider one of these children soon!!"
What terrible words!
Dear little Tina does not have a bright or long future to look forward to...
UNLESS someone sees her value and gives her a new future...
A family of her own...
Enough good food to eat...
Love and tender care...
Please consider sharing Tina's story!
Maybe you or one of your friends could be her Mama!
If you don't know her Mama...
Maybe you can help her get one by adding a dollar or two (or more!) to her grant fund...
So far she has $2,010...
A nice start - but more will be needed!
If her fund grows maybe someone will have courage to choose her!
Thanks for helping Tina in whatever way you are able!

Your prayers are the best gift of all!
And let me add one more sweetie to this post...
Little Giselle...
Is in the same orphanage as Tina...
She has many challenges...
One of which is severe malnutrition...
She surely will not survive long once she is transferred...
...and her transfer is EMINENT!
She has only $24.50 in her grant fund...
Please pray for Giselle...
She needs a Mama desperately!
You can read more about Giselle or donate to her fund here!
And let me add one more sweetie to this post...
Little Giselle...

Is in the same orphanage as Tina...
She has many challenges...
One of which is severe malnutrition...
She surely will not survive long once she is transferred...
...and her transfer is EMINENT!
She has only $24.50 in her grant fund...
Please pray for Giselle...
She needs a Mama desperately!
You can read more about Giselle or donate to her fund here!
This post is a part of the Forget Me Not Friday Linkup organized by Jane!
Please check it out here! And consider linking up a post of your own!
my heart breaks...i can't bear it!