Time has run out...
For dear Kyle...
A family tried to get to him...
But they were not paper ready.
The agency says it is now too late to finish the paperwork before his birthday.
I pray that a kind family in his country will take him under their wing...
Or a missionary...
That some kind person will be able to give him the help and guidance he needs so he can become a productive and happy adult...
Or maybe he could stay at the orphanage longer until he is older...
Please pray for Kyle!
Then there is Karen...
I looked at her on Reece's Rainbow today...
Her birthday is on JANUARY 12 -- less than 2 weeks away!
She will be 16...
She does not have any documented special needs...
What will happen to her after her birthday?
Is there still time for her?
Karen also has a little sister...
Chrystina has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...
She will turn 10 on January 17.
It maybe possible to adopt them separately if necessary...
I hope there is still time for Karen...
Is there a family out there who is able to rescue her in the nick of time?
I don't know the rules of her country...
Perhaps if a family commits to her before her birthday...
Maybe she could be officially adopted afterwords?
And if Chrystina could be adopted with her...
How wonderful that would be!
Children are aging out all the time...
It is such a sad situation...
But for some there is still hope...
Please consider the following children!
Laurel has arthrogryposis...
She will turn 16 in August...
Eight months to find a family...
It's not a lot of time...
But surely it is enough if a family commits to her soon!
Where is her family?
And this dear boy...
Maxim has spina bifida...
He is a smart boy who has been waiting a long time...
He turned 14 this past October...
He needs a family before he turns 16...
Please someone claim this lovely boy soon!
And then...
There is my dear Emmitt!

He also has spina bifida...
He has spent YEARS in the mental institution...
Likely spending his days in bed...
Despite this his profile says he is still sweet, intelligent, and kind...
Emmitt has a birthday this month...
He will turn 14 on January 26.
Two years for a family to save him...
Where are they?
Someone to get him out of that crib...
And into a life of family, education, therapy, and love...
Please consider advocating for these children or donating to their fund...
I pray they will be found before they get down to the last few weeks...
By then it could be next to impossible to adopt them!
If you are in a position to adopt older children...
Please consider these kids before it's too late!
Click on their names or pictures for more information!
I pray I will not have to write a post about Laurel, Maxim, and Emmitt aging out!
I'd much rather find them on the My Family Found Me page...
And write a praise report!!!!
This post is part of a Sharing Sunday blog link-up hosted by Jane!
Do check it out and consider linking up a post of your own!

Her Sharing Sunday post for this week is here!
Breaks my heart! xx