What would it take to put a sparkle in his eye?
His profile says he's a happy boy...
That he loves to be praised...
Maybe they caught him in a sad and lonely moment...
Maybe it's just a bad picture...
But in little Paul's picture he looks listless and bored...
Like he's lost hope that joy could yet come his way.
What would it take to renew his hope...
Renew his joy...
Make him laugh...
And put a twinkle in his eye?
He doesn't need a mansion house...
Designer clothes...
Or $500 of toys for Christmas...
He needs a Mama's love...
Daddy's protection...
A few simple toys...
A place to call home...
Bedtime stories...
Lullabies and prayers as he falls asleep.
Food in his tummy...
Snuggles at bedtime...
A sandbox...
A wagon...
A puppy to play with...
What joy even simple things can bring!
I want to see this little man smile...
Don't you?
You can help Paul and the other "Passed Over Babes" -- the ones who've been waiting...
and waiting...
and waiting some more...
For someone to love them and call them their own.
You prayers and donations make a big difference!
By donating $5 to at least two of the passed over babes you can be entered into two great giveaways...
Head on over to Julia's blog for more details!
Hurry - the giveaway ends in just a few days (last day is December 14!)!
Here are some of the passed over babes...
The goal is to raise $1000 for each angel tree child during the angel tree fundraiser hosted by Reece's Rainbow...
The little ones listed below are still short of the goal...

Click on their names to learn more about each child and go to Julia's blog to enter the giveaway!
This post is part of a Sharing Sunday blog link-up hosted by Jane!
Do check it out and consider linking up a post of your own!

WOW!! Thank you Thank you!!!