Saving His Sparrows

Saving His Sparrows
Click the picture to see children who are waiting for a family.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Which future will it be?

Meet Kate!

A true girly girl...

I don't have a picture of her in fancy clothes...

But her profile says she loves to play dress-up...

She loves pretty dresses!

The sad thing is...

She lives in an orphanage...

I wonder if she even has even ONE nice dress of her very own?

She is already 11 years old...

In less than 5 years she will "graduate" from the orphanage...

And most likely be turned out on the STREET with little money and few possessions!

There will be no pretty dresses unless she finds a job...

And what job could she get?

Unfortunately there aren't many jobs available for orphans...

Except for prostitution - an absolutely UNACCEPTABLE solution!

But if she gets desperate enough she may feel forced to go there...

Or she may be too naive to know her danger...

At 16 a girl still needs loving guidance from her mother...

And protection from her father!

16 is too young to be on your own in the world with no job and no social support from family or a good adult mentor!

With no money to buy medications for her HIV she will become ill!

Can you see her lost, hungry, cold, and destitute with no good options in life?

Can you see her scrounging in the garbage trying to find food...

Or trying to find shelter by huddling under a bridge in a snowstorm?

It does NOT have to be that way!

If a loving family will step forward...

And make dear Kate their daughter...

She can blossom into a healthy and happy young lady...

She will SOOO benefit from the love, guidance, and protection of a family!


There are two options for this young lady...

Two possible futures for her life...

Happiness, health, life, love and family....

Or lonliness, poverty, despair, prostitution, illness, and an early death.

The best option is obvious...

But Kate can't get there on her own!

Could you be her Mom or Dad?

Could you give her the chance and hope she needs?

You can learn more about how to adopt at the link below!

Please don't let her HIV scare you away!

It NO LONGER has to be a death sentence!

It is VERY manageable now!

There are medications available that can control the disease VERY well!

Kate can live a normal healthy life and pose VERY little to NO risk to others if she can just get the medication she needs!

You can learn more about HIV and what it would be like to raise a child with HIV at the link below:

Don't be afraid to learn more!

When treated, HIV is not NEARLY as scary as it sounds!


Even if you can't adopt Kate yourself...

There are still ways that you can help!

You can pray for her...

Donate to her adoption grant fund HERE...

Or share her story with others to help her family find her!

You can read more about Kate on her Reece's Rainbow profile HERE!


This is a Teamwork Tuesday post...

Where we join together to spread the story of one precious child!

This week is for  Kate!

Together we can make a difference...

Will you join us?


As always...

Please remember Emmitt and Victoria!

They are still waiting to find families too!

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