There should be a light and a sparkle...
In the eyes of each little boy!

He should have days filled with laughter and love...
And a home of his very own...
A place where he is cherished and loved...
By a Mom and Dad of his own!
A chance to play trucks with his brother...
And friends to play hide-and-go-seek!
A time to fly kites with Daddy...
And build sandcastles at the beach!
A chance to go to school and learn...
About the great big world around him...
And how he can play his part!
Perhaps he could become a teacher...
And have the joy of watching young minds learn!
Or perhaps he could become a lawyer...
And plead the case of the innocent.
Whatever he chose to do with his life...
He could make a mark on this world...

If he only had a chance!
But now he's imprisoned in an institution...
His crime?
Cerebral Palsy
Need that be a life sentence?
Need it seclude him for the rest of his life?
Need it deprive him of learning and love?
No indeed!
But this it has done...
He needs someone to set him free!
He's imprisoned unjustly through no fault of his own...
The light on his face is gone!

Deprived of love and learning...
His mind is rotting and wasting away...
For lack of something to do!
Oh I'd love to see the joy on his face...
The light of laughter and love...
When at last he is cherished for the treasure he is...

And becomes someone's much beloved son!
What a difference this love will make in his life...
Is a story that's waiting to be told!
Could it be...
Could it POSSIBLY be...
That this dear little boy could be yours?
Or maybe perhaps his Mama you know!
Please share and please pray...
So that someday soon...
Dear Colin will be free at last!

Basking in the love of his own Mom and Dad...
With a sparkle in his eyes!
To read more about Colin or donate to his grant fund at Reece's Rainbow click here!