Sad little face...

Will he ever smile again?
Is it even possible?
Check out the NEW picture!

How's that for a smile?
An ear splitting GRIN!
Even though he has been transferred to an institution...
Brent has been blessed to have a nanny who gives him individual attention!
I wonder if that's what made him smile?
Maybe he sees her coming!
Just imagine his grin when he gets to know his very own Mama!
Imagine having that brilliant smile directed your way!
Are you his Mama?
By the way he has over $10,000 in his grant fund just waiting to help you bring him home!
To read more about Brent click HERE!
His smile is waiting to brighten your home!

You can add an advocacy post of your own to the the linkup at the bottom of this post...
The Forget-Me-Not Friday linkup is hosted weekly by Jane!
Her post this week celebrates 3 precious children who joined the My Family Found Me page THIS WEEK!!!
Including MAXIM !!!

His family is coming as fast as they can!
Who will be next?
Thank you for featuring Little Brent! I have been praying for him so hard for HIM to get his family. I know his smile is so precious! COME ON MAMA COME GET BRENT!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous smile! He will light up his family's life!