Saving His Sparrows

Saving His Sparrows
Click the picture to see children who are waiting for a family.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Christmas in November????

Isn't it a little bit EARLY to start talking about Christmas?

After all...

It's only the FIRST of November!

Normally I don't make a huge deal out of Christmas...

I usually don't put up decorations in my apartment...

(I don't have children of my own...

And I'm usually away visiting family during the holidays anyway...)

But THIS year I have a big reason to celebrate Christmas...

At least on my little blog...

Because there is one little boy who needs my help...

A little boy who needs a Christmas Miracle this year!

Peter is a special little boy...

Who lives on the other side of the world from me...

Who had the misfortune of losing his family.

I'm not sure how it happened...

And I don't know many details...

But it is quite possible that he was abandoned as a baby or small child...

Because his parents felt they couldn't handle raising their special little boy...

Because he would seem "different" to their friends and neighbors because of his Down Syndrome...

And it would bring "shame" or "disgrace" on the family if they kept him...

(Sadly children with special needs are abandoned all too frequently in his country...)

Or maybe they didn't know how they could afford to care for the extra needs he would have...

Perhaps they felt the state could care for him better than they could...

Whatever the case little Peter wound up in an orphanage or foster care...

And he is still WAITING for a Mom and Dad to choose to make him a permanent part of their family.


Peter needs to be seen!

He needs to be recognized as the beautiful forgotten treasure that he is...

And Angel Tree is the perfect opportunity for me to advocate for him...

In hopes that somewhere...


Will see his sweet face...

And know that he's worth whatever it takes...

To bring this sweet boy home to their family!


What is angel tree...

And how will it help Peter?

Glad you asked...

I'll be back soon to tell you all about it!

But it involves the opportunity for you to get a Christmas ornament with sweet Peter's Picture on it!

Here's a link in case you want to learn more about it before I get back...

Read about it...

Then scroll down until you find Peter's name and picture!


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