(Picture courtesy of Fotolia & Microsoft Office Online)
His life was like a candle...
Shining in the dark...
Waiting to light someone's table with his warm glow...
But he never got the chance...
His was hidden away in a laying down room...
In the darkness and gloom of hopeless boredom...
Starved for love and affection...
He struggled to survive...
Till at last his flame went out...
Sweet Hanson...
Though you may have thought you were forsaken and forgotten...
Unnoticed and unloved...
Far away across the ocean...
You have friends who loved you...
And remembered you today...
How they wish you could have known how much they cared!
You were special...
And the world is missing out...
On the joy you could have brought them...
If you'd been loved and cherished...
Like you so deserved!
But though your candle faltered...
'Neath the load of long neglect...
Your life has touched the hearts of many...
Because of you they shout the louder for the friends you left behind...
Who's candles are still flickering...
Because of you and your sad story hearts will stir...
And others will be saved...
Your life was not in vain!

May the candle of your memory light the way for others...
May it spur the hearts of Mom's and Dad's around the world...

To hasten to save the ones you left behind!

You are loved and missed...
A service was held for Hanson in Canada today...
By those who, though they never met him, were touched by his story...
Please go to Julia's blog posts a Requiem for Hanson and In Memory to read about this beautiful act of love for the memory of sweet orphan Hanson.

And the other children listed in this post need families before it is too late...
Before their candle goes out like dear little Hanson's...
May his memory spur their families to step forward and save these precious lives quickly!
You can learn more about these waiting children by clicking on their names in this post.