Saving His Sparrows

Saving His Sparrows
Click the picture to see children who are waiting for a family.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Privilege or Peril?

There are certain privileges that go with being the oldest child in the family...

Getting to stay up "late" when the little kids have to go to bed...

Tall enough to go on special rides at the fair all by yourself...

The thrill of getting a driver's license while little brother looks on and is green with envy...

So many privileges come first to the oldest child!

Of course their are added responsibilities too...

Like more difficult chores...

Or watching the younger kids while Mom is busy... 

But responsibility begins preparing a child for adulthood...

So it's generally a good thing.

But what of the oldest child in the orphanage?

Francesca will be 14 in February.

Is being the oldest a privilege or peril?

Perhaps the privileges actually belong to the babies there!

Babies are more likely to be chosen by adoptive parents...

They have a better chance to receive the life-changing hope and opportunity that comes with adoption into a loving family!

But the older kids have frightening perils in the not to distant future :(

Gerard - age 14

Because it is sometimes "scary" to adopt a teenager whom you have never met...

Nick - will be 15 in about two months

Because of scary stories some have heard...

Because most everyone wants a baby so they can watch them grow up and not miss those fun milestones...

Because the older kids have suffered more "damage" from orphanage life and might be harder to parent...

Julie - age 14

Because of these things the oldest kids often go un-chosen until it is too late :(

Henry - age 13
(Because he is in Asia - it may be impossible to adopt him after he turns 14!)

Beautiful children with so much potential...

Karen - age 16 - (because of her age her only chance for a family is to be adopted with her sister Chrystyna)

Chrystyna - age 10

Will be turned out on the street to fend for themselves sometime after they turn 16...

Their orphan status and limited education makes them mostly un-hireable...

Estelle - Age 14

They are in danger of being entangled in crime or prostitution as a means to try to SURVIVE...

And because they have NO ONE to guide and protect them as they transition to adulthood...

Can you see any of these beautiful kids there?

Larissa - age 14
Responsible, communicative, loves studying English

Vlad - age 13
Polite, obedient, optimistic, loves English, DREAMS of having a family!

They have SO MUCH potential!

But they need parents to help them reach it...

Parents to guide them on their journey to adulthood and help them arrive there safely!

Those who have physical disabilities like beautiful Aubree...

Aubree - age 13

Ceasar - age 13 - with no hope apart from adoption!

And this dear boy with the beautiful smile...

Sweet Casey - age 15 - with only 6 months till he ages out...

Will spend be sentenced to spend the REST OF THEIR LIVES in mental institutions...

Confined to bed...

"My" Emmitt - will be 15 next month

Or to sitting in bleak and hopeless rooms listening to the moans and groans of others...

With nothing to do but rock or beat their heads in boredom...

Their lives could be SO different...

If they only had families!

They need to be chosen...

They've already waited so long!

Their time is running out!

They need our voice!

It is time for them to be delivered from the perils they will soon face...

And be given the opportunity to experience the privileges that come from life in a family!

Please share to help their need be seen!

Maybe you or one of your friends could be the family one of these kids are waiting for!

Adoption is there best hope for success in life...

And a happy future!

To learn more about the adoption process click HERE!

You can read more about any of these children by clicking on their names in this post.


My mom has a heart for the "oldest" orphans...

So while Emmitt's party was going on...

She went through some of the pages on Reece's Rainbow...

And selected children born before 2000...

To invited to the party!

This post was written for these special kids!

While looking through the names there was one additional little girl who was a little bit younger...

That Mom just couldn't leave out...

Because she has the same name as my sister!

Sweet Marjorie - age 10

She needs a family too!

Thanks Mom for bringing so many wonderful kids to the party!

And for your heart for the "oldest" kids...

Who've watched so many other's be chosen...

While they are left behind.

I hope their turn comes soon...

Before it is too late!


In addition to Mom's kids I added sweet Casey to this post...

He was listed after she selected her guests or I'm sure she would have chosen him too!

His case is super urgent as he is already 15 and has only 6 months till he ages out...

So I added him to the party myself.


Since I've been a bit behind on blogging for Emmitt's party guests...

One of Mom's girls was CHOSEN before I blogged about her!

Beautiful Olivia - age 13

Has been CHOSEN!

She is on the My Family Found Me page!

Who will be next?


Please continue to pray for Emmitt!

His time of deliverance must come soon...

Or it will be too late :(


Continue to pray for Victoria's family and the adoption process...

And if you are able consider a little gift to their family sponsorship fund!

She's been in the institution long enough!

You can read about Victoria's family or donate to their fund HERE.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Are there violets in your garden?

In the shadows of the forest...

When the springtime comes again...

You can see the little violets...

Peak their heads above the leafy carpet...

That clothes the forest floor.

They're so glad for warmer weather...

For the promise of pleasant days!

They lift their heads with joy and smile...

At anyone who looks their way!

But who will see their sweetness in the busyness of life?

Who has time to visit the forest...

Or stoop to look for tiny folks that hide among the leaves?

They're beautiful oh yes...

But they're often over looked...

For the bigger brighter flowers catch the eye much quicker...

They live in pretty gardens where they are tended carefully...

Plenty of water and sunshine...

And fertilizer too...

Makes them blossom large and beautiful!

People admire their beauty as the pass along the way...

But who will see the little ones in the forest hideaway?

Those pretty little violets are just waiting to be seen...

Won't you plant them in your garden so their beauty can be seen?

Despite their tiny size and the hidden place they live...

They have exquisite beauty if you'll only take a look!

But why do I write of flowers?

As if they're so important?

True they are beautiful and lovely...

But there's something much more special...

Something valuable that's lost...

That is hidden in the shadows and forgotten by the world...

I speak of precious children that the world has overlooked!

While they value the lovely children in their family garden home (and that is right of course!)...

 And provide their every need...

Admire their cute expressions...

And beam with pride at their accomplishments...

Their are other precious children who are not so blessed as they...

Who've been locked inside a system that has insufficient time and money to give the love and care they need...

Where love is scarce...

And food is scant...

And they're struggling to grow!

Oh please come walk the forest with me and see these precious gems...

The precious forgotten violets...

With beauty of their own...

Oh please do take a look!

First is Violetta...

Whose name inspired this post!

Can't you see her sweet sweet beauty...

As she lifts her head to smile at you?

Such a precious little flower...

But so often overlooked!

Won't you plant her in your family so she can grow and thrive?

She is such a precious flower child...

Your garden's misssing out!

She could be your own sweet daughter...

If you'll choose to bring her home!


Another waiting flower is Miss Jeanne...

She's waited six long years for a garden (home) of her own!

Though her vision is somewhat impaired...

Her heart is full of beauty that is waiting to be seen!

Your family garden (home) is missing someone extra special - is that someone Jeanne?


And oh the next three flower kids...

Are truly planted in the dark!

They must spend their days in bed...

And 'most never see the smiling sun...

Their days are very dreary...

Most lonely that's for sure!

They haven't even the basic pleasure of being clean and dry :(

They need a pleasant garden at last...

Where they can receive love and care and have a chance to bloom!

Are roommates in a laying down room and spend the vast majority of their time in bed!

They remain wet in their own waste for hours...

They truly need to be rescued...

Set free from their miserable "garden"...

They are waiting for a chance to blossom and shine!

Please consider adding one (or more) of them to your family garden (home)!

(To read more about Stellan, Travis, and Janna from a mother who met them while adopting her son from their room and for additional pictures click on the link below!


These sweet children are some of Emmitt's Party guests!

Violetta was invited by Ma Rose...

And JeanneStellan, and Travis were invited by Stacy...

Thanks so much Ma Rose and Stacy for helping Emmitt and inviting these precious children to his party!

I also included Janna (invited previously) in this post because she is a roommate of Stellan and Travis...

(And is a special girl to me!)

All these sweetie's need families!

You can read more about them by clicking on their names in this post.

You can learn more about how to adopt by clicking HERE.

Please consider sharing their plight with your friends...

Perhaps one of these kids could be theirs!


Are their violets in your garden?

If not I hope you'll choose to add some!

Cause there's a very special beauty that only violets bring!


As always...

Please continue to pray for Emmitt!

That God will keep him safe make it possible for him to be adopted before his time runs out!


I've decide to include Victoria (along with Emmitt) at the bottom of my posts again!

Don't worry - she still has a family!

But their family sponsorship fund is very small...

Adoption is expensive so if you are able please consider dropping a few dollars in their fund to help Victoria come home soon!

To read more about Victoria's family or donate to their sponsorship fund on Reece's Rainbow (tax deductible!) please click HERE!

It's so lovely to see her sweet face in my post again...

I can't wait till she's home!